transnational survey
the results >
In 2019, diversamente coding partners from Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus and Austria carried out a survey to ascertain the level of digital competencies and skills, as well as the needs in these areas among the target group of Deaf and hearing-impaired people of working age. The findings provide an analysis of training needs upon which basis our training methodology and digital materials are currently being developed.
Some of the most important findings from the survey at transnational level are:
- 170 deaf people from 5 European countries took part
- 50 organisation and associations working with Deaf communities participated
- Interest in further training in digital skills and programming was high.
- Best learning methods? Learning with a mentor or learning with partners or friends.
- Quizzes and competitions were the most popular interactive exercises.

It is clear that people who are deaf and hearing-impaired see the need to improve their digital literacy skills and are looking for training opportunities that are tailored to their specific requirements (i.e. accessible training methods and materials with a particular focus on visual strengths and bilingualism – in Sign Language and written language).
With these skills, the survey participants hope to put themselves in a better position to overcome barriers to employment, and find skilled and well-paid jobs. Being a part of the digital world will facilitate greater societal inclusion of people who are Deaf or hearing-impaired.
You can download all the findings from our survey in the transnational report below: