
Authentic and proven, Ergon is the Piedmont’s social organisation, founded in 2010, working to respond to the protection, health and well-being needs of people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, deafened and DeafBlind
(D/Deaf) specially in low resource and complex humanitarian settings.

Ergon works to ensure that D/deaf are able to live safely and without fear of stigma, discrimination and abuse in the communication mode of choice; Sign Language, sign supported spoken language, community ethnic sign, aural method and Tactile Sign Language.

Ergon’s work emcompasses 4 themes: rights; livelihoods, access to appropriate technology; and wellbeing.

For more information about Ergon:


The European Digital Learning Network – DLEARN – aims to embrace the challenges brought by the digital revolution in terms of digital skills mismatch, toward an inclusive digital society. The aims of the organisation are characterised by 4 key-words: SHARE, CONNECT, MULTIPLY, ENHANCE. DLEARN is a collector of practices and ideas, gathering diverse organisations in Europe to reflect, think and trigger new initiatives, toward the valorisation and the enhancement of digital learning.

For more information about DLEARN and the DLEARN network:

Emphasys Centre

Emphasys Centre began operating in 1998, specialising in consultancy, software and support services in the field of ICT. As an educational institution, Emphasys Centre offers high quality courses for adults, professionals and young people interested in obtaining professional qualification or attain vocational training for employment.

Emphasys Centre also organises custom-made in-service training courses for the employees of various companies and organisations in the private and public sector based on their ICT needs and requirements.

For more information about Emphasys Centre:



Platon is a school with future perspective. The school pursues with great interest and a creative mind the developments in the field of education; it constantly sets new goals holding at the same time an outstanding position in the educational scene. Platon schools (Kindergarten – Elementary – Gymnasium – Lyceum) is a modern educational institution with 650 learners and 83 staff.

Platon pursues international programmes of design, implementation and assessment of innovative pedagogical methods and materials through the newly founded Research and Innovation Department.

For more information about Platon:


FUNDACIÓN TECNOLOGÍA SOCIAL (Funteso) is a non-profit organisation classified as “educational, scientific and R&D in the technology sector, whose main goal is to become a strong link between researchers, manufacturers, users and institutions in the ICT field, to ensure that technology is a powerful, easy to use and helpful tool that helps people in their personal and professional development regardless of their physical and / or social conditions.

The mission of the Funteso is to consider technology as a tool for society, and to do our utmost to ensure that this tool is easy to use, open, simple and universal, in short, designed in such a way as to cover everyone’s needs and not excluding anyone.

For more information about Funteso:


equalizent was founded in 2004 and has 4 main areas of focus: people who are deaf; people who are hard of hearing; Sign Language; and diversity management.

equalizent’s training and company concept are unique in Europe.

Through various training and advisory services, equalizent supports people who are deaf and hard of hearing, as well as people with other disabilities, to find work. A third of staff members are deaf. This means that deaf trainees are trained by deaf peers. 

equalizent organises the annual Diversity Ball – an accessible event which takes place in Vienna, Austria. equalizent also founded HANDS UP, an interactive exhibition, raising awareness about the Deaf world.

For more information about equalizent:

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