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EU Code Week & diversamente coding

The diversamente coding partnership is taking part in EU Code Week 2019. We are looking forward to this great opportunity to showcase the fact that coding is for everyone, even for people with hearing difficulties.

  • What is EU Code Week?

EU Code Week is a grassroots initiative, which aims to bring coding and digital literacy to everybody in a fun and engaging way.

  • When is it taking place?

5-20 October 2019

  • Why is coding important?

Learning to code helps us to make sense of the rapidly changing world around us, expand our understanding of how technology works, and develop skills and capabilities in order to explore new
ideas and innovate.

For more information about EU Code Week, go to: www.codeweek.eu
Read our EU Code Week blog post at: http://shorturl.at/mP145

Picture of <diversamente="coding" >

diversamente coding is an Erasmus+ project to develop a training course enabling people with disabilities to learn digital skills + programming competences

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